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Your free Tpas membership

18 March 2024

We want you to have your say on how we shape our services. This is how your free Tpas membership can help you learn new skills, stay in the loop about housing related matters, and make an impact in our communities.


How satisfied are you with our service?

16 February 2024

We are working with Acuity who will be contacting some of our customers and asking a few survey questions over the next 12 months.


Our Grounds Maintenance proposal - what do you think?

16 February 2024

We've sent you a letter about grounds maintenance. It's nothing to worry about - we're just proposing that a new company looks after the green spaces in your neighbourhoods. Help us hire the right people to get the job done.


Grasscycling - a greener approach to grounds maintenance

31 January 2024

Our new grounds maintenance contractors are spearheading our new 'cut and drop' approach to grass cutting, known as 'grasscycling'. Take a look at what's involved - and why we're leaving the grass we cut behind.

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