Scrutiny Event May 2023 - Anti-Social Behaviour

Help us to improve how we manage anti-social behaviour (ASB), from the way you can report incidents to overall customer satisfaction. We're running a Scrutiny Event and we'd love you to join us.

What is a Scrutiny Review?

It’s a chance for our customers to take a close-up look at one of our services.

This time we're covering how we deal with anti-social behaviour– that's how we respond to things that stop you from living peacefully, like noise complaints or abuse from your neighbours.

Earlier this year, our Scrutiny Panel looked into how we were communicating with customers about the cost of living crisis. Our customers made 13 recommendations to improve the service. These are now being implemented into the Trust with our Challenge Group monitoring the progress. 

You can read about the your impact here.

Did you know that you will receive a £25 voucher for taking part?

After completing the review and attending all three sessions and as a thank you, you’ll receive a £25 voucher of your choice.

When is it?

Since this is an in-depth piece of work, and we want to get it right, you will need to be available for the below dates and times.

You can attend in person or on Microsoft Teams. 

  • Thursday 18 May 10am - 12pm
  • Thursday 1 June 10am - 12pm 
  • Thursday 22 June 10am - 12pm 

The focus of this Scrutiny Review

We want to find:

  • How customers and the community we serve report ASB
  • How we deal with reports of ASB including processes and procedures
  • What information we share and how it creates awareness with customers and the community we serve about the service offered by Peaks & Plains
  • How we create awareness of the ASB services we offer 

In particular, we're going to be looking at:

  • The ways to report ASB incidents
  • The support tools offered to customers who have been a part of an ASB case
  • The overall customer satisfaction with the service from transactional and perception surveys

What will your role include?

If you choose to take part in our Scrutiny Review you’ll be involved with the following.

  • Fact finding: reviewing service standards, policies, procedures and performance information, costs, quality and customers’ views 

  • Comparing: looking at what other landlords do to identifying the very best ideas.

  • Suggesting solutions: your recommendations to the Trust will go straight to our Board – along with a proposed action plan.

  • Monitoring: keeping tabs on how we deliver the action plan and evaluating outcomes for customers.

The deadline for registering your interest is 5 May.

Register to join

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