Become an involved tenant
There are lots of different ways to get involved - we're making it easier for you to tell us how we are doing and how we can improve.
We have begun developing new homes to meet local housing needs. Together with Caseys LTD as our appointed contractor, we will build new homes to improve the quality of housing for social rent and affordable homeownership.
The footpath between Ivy Road and Countess Road will be closed from 3rd March 2025 for approximately eleven months.
This is because of deep drainage works crossing underneath the footpath, as well as works to the utility infrastructure, new paving and soft landscaping.
There will be signage in place on Countess Road and Ivy Road to show alternative routes.
We are excited to announce that construction has officially begun on Ivy Road and Countess Road, formally known as Ivy House.
This development aims to improve local housing needs by building homes for social rent and affordable homeownership.
We have appointed Caseys Ltd as our contractors on this site. The development will feature 29 new homes – 16 for social rent and 13 for Shared Ownership. The homes are a mixture of 1,2,3 and 4 bedrooms.
Last summer, we involved children in a community art project by working with a local artist and St John school to brighten up the black hoarding. Read the full blog post here.
See the site plan that we have submitted to the Council (September 2021). Full plans on the CEC website.
Peaks & Plains Housing Trust plans to:
• Redevelop the site of Ivy House, the bungalows on Ivy Road and Countess Road, and adjacent garages.
• Build back good quality affordable homes.
We've submitted a planning application to Cheshire East Council for 29 homes: 6 walk-in flats, 2 bungalows and 21 houses. They will be available through a mix of shared ownership and affordable rent. Thanks to your feedback on our original designs, we even changed the types of homes that would be available.
If Cheshire East Council can approve our planning application by July 2023, then we can start construction by January 2024. Construction will take approximately 14 months. This is, of course, a provisional timeframe at the moment.
Since you gave us your feedback during the resident consultation, we've been working hard alongside our architects to address as many of your questions and comments as possible.
Your feedback has helped us make significant changes to the site layout and you've helped to inform the new designs. We've listened to your concerns and included the following in our newest proposal:
Lots of smaller improvements have been made too - including improving 'placemaking'.
As promised during the resident consultation meeting, once the application is submitted we will reinforce resident's concerns about traffic on Ivy Road to Cheshire East Council Highways.
You can watch the recording of the meeting here.
If you want to have your say please email
Video timings and questions
Questions from 5 May 2021 consultation included:
We hope to do the demolition from July-September, while the school is closed if we can.
Contractors will need to work out how to minimise the impact during school time (eg planned deliveries, and the movement of large vehicles).
They will probably use the rear of the site, to keep away from the school.
The contractors will provide a traffic management plan, which will need to be approved by Cheshire East and Highways. This will form part of the consultation process by local residents and businesses.
We have deliberately put low level buildings in the scheme to avoid blocking the sun.
The position of this home and the movement of the sun mean that the homes on Countess Road will not be cast into shadow, nor overlooked.
When we have appointed a contractor we'll need to submit plans for how we will mitigate noise, vibration, traffic and dust.
For example, water will likely be used to suppress the dust. Scaffolding and solid timber hoarding will be erected before the demolition starts.
The 2 and 3 bed houses will have two parking spaces each.
There will be enough parking spaces to serve the entire site - for all properties that have been proposed.
The pedestrian route will be safely landscaped and the crossing by the school will be maintained.
Your concerns about road safety have come across loud and clear. We will put forward your concerns about traffic calming to the Highways at Cheshire East.
We don't know what the foundation plans are yet.
There are different types of pile driving that could minimise vibrations, but we'll know more at the next stage of consultation.
We are removing a three storey building and replacing it with two storey house, so there should be less 'overshadowing', but we'll certainly look into this.
Good question. Some of it is out of our hands. Our timeline is partly dependent on planning, but we are keen to get the site down asap.
Ivy House has already been broken in to and we need to avoid any more anti-social behaviour where possible.
Don't see why not. We've done this before and it's certainly something we can consider.
It will be a bungalow with a shallow pitched roof. When the garages are removed there will be a proper and new fence provided.
We've tried to split the access to the development fairly evenly between Bransdale and Ivy / Countess Roads.
Access to these homes will be retained, but we need to do more work to look more closely at the levels.
There will be 2m (approx) fence at the back of these homes on Countess Rd.
This will depend on when we can get approvals to move forward. We hope for the end of the summer school term.
This has not been finalised. Currently, they are for affordable rent and a small amount for shared ownership.
The demolition of the site is now complete and the site has been cleared and secured.
A letter from our demolition contractors about how they plan to take the buildings down safely and thoughtfully.
There are lots of different ways to get involved - we're making it easier for you to tell us how we are doing and how we can improve.