Looking out for friends, family and neighbours

You know the people closer to you far better than us. So if you think somebody doesn't seem like themselves, tell us.
  • Rubbish piled up?
  • Forgotten to clean for weeks?
  • Struggling with money but don't know where to turn?
  • Finding it hard to juggle work, kids, mental health and paying the rent on time?

Whether this applies to you, or someone you know - fill in the form below.

Our specially trained Tenancy Sustainment team can direct you and your loved ones to the support that you need. 

Of course, we can't do everything. But if you know somebody who is struggling, the best thing to do is reach out.

Support services

We have some fantastic partners who can help you with a range of issues that might cause us to struggle.

Fill out the form below - and we can signpost you towards their support.

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e.g. brother, neighbour, friend

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