Have you got a minute to help us with two quick questions?

Prize draw - a chance to win one of two £25 shopping vouchers. Answer both surveys and double your chances of winning.

We would love your feedback on a couple of things.

  1. Our reception area at our head office
  2. The idea of a customer event that's all about repairs

In it to win it!

To thank you for your precious time, we will pop everyone who returns a completed survey into our prize draw.

A chance to win one of two £25 shopping vouchers.

Do both surveys to double your chances of winning!

Good luck!

  • Deadline to complete the surveys: Tuesday 9 May 2023
  • Winners will be contacted by Friday 12 May 2023

A bit more information

Walk-in reception - your thoughts

We're reviewing how our reception works but we want to know what you think.

Would you use it? How would you use it?

Share your thoughts on our reception

(Did you know? Our offices are open for visitors again - you just need to make an appointment. Contact us in all the usual ways.)

A Repairs Focus event - would you come along?

A Repairs Focus event - would you come along?

We're looking at hosting a Repair Focus event. It will be an opportunity for you to:

  • Hear about our repairs standard - including our responsibilities and yours
  • Meet our Repairs Team
  • Talk about any issues or queries

But first, we need to know if you would be interested in coming along.

Give your feedback on a Repairs Focus event

Take part in more surveys like this one

We recently shared these questionnaires with our Digital Panel.

If you would like to join this virtual – and very helpful – group of customers please email getinvolved@peaksplains.org.

Whether you're answering surveys or giving us feedback in other ways, you're really making a difference to our services. We'll be sending out another survey very soon, so keep your eyes peeled!

Rachel Marsland - Customer Voice Manager

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