
Find out if you're eligible for a mutual exchange and your next steps to mutually exchange.

All assured and secure tenants have the legal right to a mutual exchange. Whilst there are some reasons you may not be able to exchange, we will not unreasonably refuse permission. 

Reasons for refusal

  • Rent arrears 
  • Either property would be significantly under occupied or over occupied. 
  • Your current property has been adapted and the new tenant has no need for the adaptations.
  • Your home is subject to a court order for possession.
  • You have a starter or assured short hold tenancy.

Each application for a mutual exchange will be considered on an individual basis, taking into account the households involved.

Find out your eligibility below:

Yes, providing they have the right to mutually exchange within their tenancy agreement and they are a social housing tenant (council/housing association or other registered providers) within the UK.

  •  We have served you with a Notice of Seeking Possession within the last 12 months
  •  If either applicant has any rent arrears or other debt on their current tenancy
  • We have started Possession proceedings against your home
  • A relevant order is in force against you or a member of your household, such as an Anti-Social Behaviour Order, Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction or a Demotion Order
  • The property has been adapted for a disabled person and is not suitable for the person with whom you wish to exchange
  • By allowing the mutual exchange to take place the property would be over or under occupied in line with the bedroom standard.

If you think that your mutual exchange might be refused because of these or any other reason, please contact us to discuss your circumstances before submitting your application.

Yes. For example, if you are on an Assured tenancy and you swap with a Fixed Term tenancy you will inherit the tenancy end date.

We strongly recommend checking the tenancy type of the person you want to swap with. We also recommend seeking independent advice.

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