Anti-social behaviour case review (complaints)

Tackling anti-social behaviour (ASB) in our communities

We know that anti-social behaviour can have a significant impact on individuals and others living and working in the wider community.

The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 introduced ways to give victims and communities a say in the way that complaints of anti-social behaviour are dealt with. 

Working together in our communities to tackle ASB

Working together in our communities to tackle ASB

What is the ASB case review?

Unhappy with how ASB has been handled? 

The anti-social behaviour case review (formerly known as the community trigger) gives victims of on-going anti-social behaviour the right to request a multi-agency case review. This is when behaviour is persistent and has already been reported to certain responsible agencies - e.g. the council, police, housing provider.

Agencies must carry out a case review when someone has requested one and if their case meets a locally defined threshold. Local authorities, the police, local health teams and registered providers of social housing all have a duty here. 

Want more info on this? Find out what we mean when we refer to ASB case review

Remember, you can always report ASB or send us a complaint.