Trust regains top governance rating after an in-depth assessment

Following a recent in-depth assessment from the regulator of social housing, Peaks & Plains is delighted to have regained the top governance rating from the regulator.

Peaks & Plains Housing Trust regains top governance rating

On Wednesday 29th March 2023 the Regulator of Social Housing confirmed that the Trust has regained the highest possible rating for governance and retained the highest financial viability rating.

The regulatory judgement comes on the back of an in-depth assessment and outlines the extensive steps that we have taken to gain a G1 rating.

Jules Booker, Director of Resources said:

We are delighted that we have regained our G1 status following a recent In-Depth Assessment (IDA) by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH). G1 is the highest rating a housing provider can achieve, showing that we meet the RSH’s governance requirements.


Chief Executive Mark Howden said:

Retaining our V1 status for financial viability and regaining the highest rating for our governance is a huge achievement for the team.  

This is the culmination of a massive effort by the whole team at Peaks & Plains to get us back to a G1.  It’s a reflection of the hard work that everyone at the Trust has played a part in. Importantly, the regulator also interviewed customers and observed our involved tenant group.

Our assessment from the regulator formed part of their pilot inspection programme. This was a great opportunity for us to get a good understanding of how we will be judged against the new consumer standards in the future.


Jane McCall, Chair of the Board added:

It is good to see that the significant improvements we have seen as a Board have been recognised by the regulator. This judgement is a real credit to the hard work of the whole organisation including our involved residents.


Mark Howden added:

The team at Peaks & Plains has delivered an extensive improvement programme over a sustained period and this is the reward for their hard work but it couldn’t have come at a better time. We are about to launch our vision for the next five years and it’s great to know that we can do this while also giving our customers the assurance they deserve.



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