Meet Lyn, Community Resolution and Support Officer

We're spotlighting our Support and Enforcement Team. They're the team that works to makes sure you can live peacefully at home. You may know the team as the 'Anti-Social Behaviour Team', but they don't just deal with ASB!

The Support and Enforcement Team have a range of responsibilties that help you maintain your tenancy and keep your neighborhoods peaceful. The team deal with anti-social behaviour (also known as ASB), which refers to a wide range of unacceptable behaviour in the community. It can include things like neighbour disputes, arson, noise, assault, hate crime.

  • You can find out more about ASB and how to report it to the Trust here.

The entire team work hard to make sure your home and neighbourhood is a peaceful, enjoyable place to live. In this blog, we're meeting Lyn.

Lyn, our Community Resolution and Support Officer at the Trust.

Lyn, our Community Resolution and Support Officer at the Trust.

Tell us about yourself

My name's Lyn.

My role is split into two areas: 50% of my time I’m a Community Resolution Officer and 50% I’m customer support for our sheltered schemes.

'Sheltered scheme' just refers to homes where people live independently, but might need a bit more support - like if you're older or have a disability.

What's your favourite thing about your role?

No two days are the same, I like the variety and the fact my role has cross team working.

I’m a people person and like to get to know all the people I work with.

How did you start working in this sector? Was there anything that made you want to work with our communities?

This is my first time working in housing. Previously, I worked with children in residential care. There are definitely some similarities in the type of skills needed in both roles. Working with vulnerable people and in volatile situations is always a challenge.

In brief, I’m an empath and I like to help people. Some may assume, the victims of ASB are primarily the people our team supports, however, more often that not, the perpetrators also have an underlying need which has led them to act out in an anti-social manner and we also put support in place for these people too. There are always two sides to every report we receive.

Tell me about a day at work that you’re really proud of 

There are too many to mention as working with vulnerable people overall can be very fulfilling, although it can be and is often a thankless task. I always try to share my feel-good days if possible, so it did make my heart full when we were able to give one of our extremely vulnerable customers some lovely furniture which was left at another property at the end of a different tenancy. Before this, he only had a chair and a single bed.

More recently, I have managed to get a very difficult hoarder to engage and so far, they are working with me in a positive manner. I think remembering we are all human and pitching your communication at the right level is always key.

A little respect goes a long way.


What do you do in your spare time? 

In my spare time, I like to play Netball, I play in defence for a local club, and it is 100% my favourite thing to do. When I'm not playing, I am running around ferrying my two boys to all their activities and generally being swamped in mum life. I do love a good party though! 😊


Meet the rest of the team


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