5 ways we've improved how we deal with complaints

We've updated our complaints policy - here's how we're making sure we provide you with a better service.

1. It's good to talk

When your complaint is at investigation stage one, the manager who is investigating it will give you a call to discuss it as part of their investigation.

2. The right people on the job

We now have a complaints champion on our Board who will oversee our complaints performance. We also now have a full time Complaints Coordinator who will make your journey through our complaints process as smooth as possible.

3. Meeting your problem head on

At review stage you will be invited to attend a meeting with the Senior Manager responsible for your complaint. This will help us to try to reach a resolution for you.

4. Learning lessons from your complaint

We will use your feedback to improve our services. Our management team meets every regularly to see where we have gone wrong and what we can do better.

5. An invitation to you...

Above all we want to get it right. So we want to hear from you about our complaints process and how it can be improved. Email getinvolved@peaksplains.org for more details.


You can read our new complaints policy here.


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